Round 3: The Lord Puttnam Scholarship
Hosted by: Benjamin Rupprecht
December 11th 2023
Puttnam Scholars 2022
Naoise McGuinness - Aoibh Kingston - Alex Pacino Brady - Debismita Dutta - Amano Miura - Benjamin Rupprecht - Callum Casey - Matthew Xavier Corrigan
Puttnam Scholars 2023
Maryam Alabi - Mark Callanan - Sarah Jessica Dunne - Rachel Gough - Bob Jackson - Elle O’Leary Kelleher

Rachel Gough
Rachel Gough is a writer, filmmaker, lecturer and PhD researcher at the Department of Film and Screen Media at University College Cork. Her doctoral research focuses on representations of rural Ireland’s ecologies in film, television and video games. She is project manager for the SoundMind project, which aims to investigate novel, non-invasive methods of neuromodulation and Augmented Audio Reality for those suffering mild cognitive impairment and dementia. In 2022 she was the recipient of the Editor’s Choice award from the National Flash Fiction Anthology as well as being nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her work has been published in Quarryman, The Outpost, Bealtaine and The National Flash Fiction Day Anthology. Her work was shortlisted at the Wild Atlantic Words Short Story Competition. Her forthcoming short fiction work ‘Trout Prince’ will be published in Best Small Fictions 2023. In 2023 she was awarded the Lord Putnam Scholarship.

Sarah Jessica Dunne​
Sarah is the Marketing Officer at Cork International Film Festival. She graduated in Film & Screen Media with a minor in Sociology from UCC this year 2023. Her work has been showcased at CIFF and Fastnet Film Festival. She has a background in digital marketing and content creation - working for West Cork Film Studios, UCC International Office, School of Film, Music & Theatre UCC and Danish film equipment agency Wedio. She was awarded the Lord Puttnam Scholarship this year and her role in the programme was Director of Photography.

Alex Pacino​ Brady
Alex Brady, a native of Cork City's northside, is a recent graduate of the BA in Film and Screen Media at University College Cork. In 2022, he was proud recipient of the Puttnam Scholarship, working alongside fellow scholars under the guidance of Lord David Puttnam to create a film.
In addition to his academic pursuits, Alex actively engages in facilitating young individuals in music production and content creation through The Kabin Studio, fostering opportunities for the next generation of artists. He serves as a tutor for The Kabin Studio, Music Generation Cork City and Musical Neighborhoods drawing upon his experiences as a mentee in the Musical Neighborhoods Mentee program, where he honed his skills. Throughout his journey, Alex has collaborated with various organisations and schools, including Music Generation (national and Cork City), Cork Migrant Centre, National Learning Network Knocknaheeny, The HUT CDYS, Terence MacSwiney Secondary School, St. Aidan's Community College, St. Mary's on the Hill, COPE, LINC, The Gaff Limerick, TVG Star, Atticus Education, University College Cork and Rhyme Island.
Alex Brady's passion for merging music and film, coupled with his commitment to mentoring and collaboration with diverse organisations, exemplifies his dedication to empowering young artists and pushing the boundaries of creative expression.